I discovered Olga Karlovac’s work a few years ago and I was fascinated.

Sometimes I think that her photos are more like paintings, but her brushstrokes are made with a camera and in her images you can get lost as if it were a dream.

Q Hi Olga, it is a pleasure to publish your work on Woofermagazine. Let’s start at the beginning, how did you get into photography?

A I started my photographic journey as a child, simply loved photography, always played with the old cameras my grandfather had, (still remember very old analog leica camera, from the mid last century) my father bought me my first big cannon t 70 when i was about 14 years old.

During high school and university i stopped photography and came back to it much later, in my thirties on a friend suggestion, as a tool to help me cope with everyday life and its challenges.

Years ago I discovered your work. Your images always seemed very visually striking to me and at the same time they always transmitted emotions to me. Black and white, movement… How has your personal style evolved over the years

A When i came back to photography, i just naturally developed the style, also i always felt that shooting in black and white is kind of simple but emotionally strong, also timeless in many ways.

I have always been shooting a lot in motion, and i preferred slower shutter, shooting from behind rainy blurry windows, reflections etc… All sorts of those things and as my images became more abstract, blurry they felt right
and just the way i really see and feel the world and how i connect to it.

How much time do you usually spend taking each photograph and then editing the image?

A It really varies a lot.

I shoot intuitively not making any plans but just letting things happen.

So this happens very fast.

With me it is more about feeling the right mood and energy to go out and shoot.

While i am shooting, if something draws my attention i just click.

Later when i go through my shots, this takes more time, my friends say that i throw away many great shots as i just do not feel they are right or good enough, just editing might take a few minutes might take quite longer.

Sometimes i start and then come back to it later… Really no rules.

What do you look for when you take a photo? In other words: When do you think a photo is good?

A It is something i can not explain that makes me make a shot, i believe it is just intuition and something that triggers emotion on a certain level that we do not have to be even aware of.

And what makes the image good, well, if it sparks emotion, if it tells a story.

But most of all i think you just feel that when you see it.

Who have been and/or continue to be the photographers who have inspired your photography?

A My photography has been largely inspired by painters, i love expressionist painters, they inspire me each time again and again, and regarding photographers, i am about to buy myself another book from Antoine D Agata, one of the photographers i really like and find inspirational.

Olga Karlovac links :

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