I am lucky to know Fran Balseiro’s work directly and, without any doubt, I can say that he is able to put his personal stamp on the photos he takes, a photographer who curates every detail when he creates an image. Below is the description of this series in his own words.

“The project “On the road” is the endless project that I have been working on for 3 years and that never ends, there is always a path and a highway to travel, places, villages, towns and cities to visit, in many cases an aimless journey. , waiting for the moment, the instant that you can find to be able to photograph. More than anything, it is a route adapted to my environment without having to make long trips. A journey between Galicia and the north of Portugal, a journey in which we see the passage of time, the abandonment and depopulation of rural areas. And although in most of the images we do not see people, we do notice their presence, people who one day walked those roads and lived in those houses, today it is the silence that runs through those places. I like to do this work in black and white, it seems to give more drama to the images, images with high contrast, looking for rainy, stormy days with leaden skies and practically using a camera with a 35mm lens. It is a focal length with which I am very comfortable for these cases, this equipment gives me a certain freedom both in movement and in weight, since in many cases the walks are also long and I do not want to carry a lot of equipment.”

About Fran Balseiro

“I was born and reside in the city of Viveiro (Lugo) Spain. I am a self-taught photographer who uses photography as a means of expression.

From a very young age I have always been interested in photography, film and music and if I mix all of this in my head that is when I give free rein to my imagination, without any restrictions or established rules, offering a personal look at what I see.

I have been dedicating myself to street and documentary photography for some time, looking for images that can tell stories and transmit emotion.

When you go out on the street every moment and instant is unique, it is the emotion of going out and not knowing what you are going to find.

My work has been published in print and digital media. And it has been exhibited in both individual and group exhibitions.”

Fran Baseiro  links :

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woman with curlers on her head, portrayed against the light

CUBA 2012

The 2012 work on Cuba by Gabi Ben Avraham has always struck me as brilliant and deserves to be remembered.


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wall full of clocks


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